Company: Yuntinic (Hong Kong) Resources Co., Ltd. 
Business Nature: Manufacturer  云锡(香港)资源有限公司_logo
Country/Region: China Hong Kong SAR 
Hall No.: E1 
Zone No.:
Booth No.: E1.F72 

Profile in English:
Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd. was founded in 1883. The headquarters is located in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province, China. The Company has the largest know tin resources and the most comprehensive tin production and processing chain to produce all types of tin products with the largest market share. It is the largest tin production and processing enterprise. The annual capacity of tin chemicals reaches 30,000mt. Tin chemicals include inorganic tin chemical and organic tin chemical products.

Classification of Exhibits:
  • 4 Electroplating Solutions
  •   4.07 Tin, Lead & Tin-Lead Plating