Exhibiting Info
  • Fill out and return the Exhibitor Application Form to SFCHINA EXHIBITION LIMITED by email.
  • The Organizer will acknowledge receipt of your application and allocate exhibit space according to the nature of your products or services provided.
  • If you confirm to accept the allocated exhibit space, an Exhibiting Contract, payment invoice and other related documents will be sent to you by post or email.
  • Exhibitors are required to sign and stamp on the Exhibiting Contract. 50% deposit of the total participation fees must be settled upon receipt of the invoice. Balance payment must be settled on or before September 15, 2025.
  • Application without deposit duly paid is not considered valid. Payment received is not refundable. For details of terms and conditions, please refer to the Rules and Regulations printed on the back of Exhibiting Contract. If you require previous year's terms and conditions for reference, please contact our Customer Relationship Managers.
  • Hong Kong
    2101-2, 21/F., Jubilee Centre, 42-46 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2865 0062
  • Shanghai
    NEW EXPOSTAR (SZ) CO., LIMITED - Shanghai Branch
    Room 1708, 17/F., Eton Place, 69 Dongfang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200120,
    P. R. China
    Tel: (86 21) 5877 7680/1/2/3
  • Shenzhen
    Unit C., 42/F., Block A, World Finance Centre
    4003 Shennan Dong Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518001, P.R. China
    Tel: (86 755) 6138 8100